Be Alright - Dean Lewis Lyrics with Notes. Music Letters Violin, Lyre, Flute, Piano, Recorder Chords, etc.

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Be Alright (Clean Radio Edit) *Converted (Easy Version)
Dean Lewis
Verse 1: @0:04
G G C2 C2 C2 C2
I look up from the ground
To see your sad and teary eyes
You look away from me
And I see there's something you're trying to hide
D D C2 C2 C2 C2 G G A
And I reach for your hand but it's cold
You pull away again
G G G G C2 C2 C2 D2..F2~E2
And I wonder what's on your mind
A C2 A C2 A C2 A C2 C2 C2 D2 D2
And then you say to me you made a dumb mistake
A C2 A C2 A C2 A C2 C2 C2 D2 D2
You start to tremble and your voice begins to break
C2 C2 A C2C2 C2 C2 A C2 A
You say the cigarettes on the counter
C2 A C2 C2 C2 C2 A
weren't your friend's they were my mate's
C2 C2 E2 E2 E2 E2 E2 D2 D2 C2 D2
And I feel the colour draining from my face
Chorus 1: @0:35
D2 C2 E2 D2~C2
And my friend said
C2 E2 E2 E2 D2 D2 C2 D2E2 E2
"I know you love her, but it's over, mate
C2 C2C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 F2.~G2 E2E2~D2C2
It doesn't matter, put the phone away
C2 D2E2 E2D2 C2 D2 E2E2
It's never easy to walk away
C2 C2 G2..~F2E2D2
Let her go
D2E2 D2 C2 C2
It'll be alright"
Verse 2: @0:51
G C2 C2 C2 C2 G G G A G G G G
So I still look back at all the messages you'd sent
And I know it wasn't right
But it was messing with my head
G C2C2 C2 C2C2G G G A
And everything deleted like the past,
Yeah, it was gone
And when I touched your face,
I could tell you're moving on
G G C2 A C2 C2 A C2 C2 C2D2D2
But it's not the fact that you kissed him yesterday
C2 A C2C2 C2 AC2A
It's the feeling of betrayal,
A A C2 C2 C2 D2 D2
that I just can't seem to shake
A C2 A C2 A C2 C2 C2
And everything I know tells me
A C2 C2 C2 D2D2
that I should walk away
C2 C2 E2 E2~D2C2 D2
But I just wanna stay
Chorus 2: @1:22
D2 C2 E2 D2~C2
And my friend said
C2 E2 E2 E2 D2 D2 C2 D2E2 E2
"I know you love her, but it's over, mate
C2 C2C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 F2.~G2 E2E2~D2C2
It doesn't matter, put the phone away
C2 D2E2 E2D2 C2 D2 E2E2
It's never easy to walk away
C2 C2 G2..~F2E2D2
Let her go
D2E2 D2 C2 C2
It'll be okay
C2 D2E2 E2 D2 C2 D2 E2 E2
It's gonna hurt for a bit of time
C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 C2F2.~G2 E2E2~D2C2
So bottoms up, let's forget tonight
C2 D2 E2E2D2 D2 C2 D2 E2 E2
You'll find another and you'll be just fine
C2 C2 G2..~F2E2D2
Let her go"
Bridge: @1:53
C2 C2 C2 E2~F2E2
But nothing heals
C2 C2 C2 E2~F2E2D2
The past like time
C2 C2 C2 E2~F2E2..~D2C2
And they can't steal
E2 E2 E2~D2 C2 D2
The love you're born to find
C2 C2 C2 E2~F2E2
But nothing heals
C2 C2 C2 E2~F2E2D2
The past like time
C2 C2 C2 E2~F2E2D2~C2
And they can't steal
C2 D2~E2 E2 E2~D2 C2 D2
The love you're born to find
Chorus 3: @2:26
C2 E2 E2 E2 D2 D2 C2 D2E2 E2
"I know you love her, but it's over, mate
C2 C2C2 C2C2 C2 C2 F2.~G2 E2E2~D2C2
It doesn't matter, put the phone away
C2 D2E2 E2D2 C2 D2 E2E2
It's never easy to walk away
C2 C2 G2..~F2E2D2
Let her go
D2E2 D2 C2C2
It'll be okay
C2 D2E2 E2 D2 C2 D2 E2 E2
It's gonna hurt for a bit of time
C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 C2F2.~G2 E2E2~D2C2
So bottoms up, let's forget tonight
C2 D2 E2E2D2 D2 C2 D2 E2 E2
You'll find another and you'll be just fine
C2 C2 G2..~F2E2D2
Let her go
D2E2 D2 C2C2
It'll be alright”
Outro: @2:59
C2C2 C2 C2G2..~F2E2D2
It'll be alright
D2E2 D2 C2 C2
It'll be alright
C2C2 C2 C2G2..~F2E2D2
It'll be alright
D2E2 D2 C2 C2
It'll be alright

Be Alright (Clean Radio Edit)
Dean Lewis
Verse 1: @0:04
F#F# B B B B
I look up from the ground
F# F# F# G# F# F#F# G#
To see your sad and teary eyes
F# F# F#F# F# F#
You look away from me
D# F# F# F# E E E D# C#
And I see there's something you're trying to hide
C# C# B B B B F# F# G#
And I reach for your hand but it's cold
F# F# F#G# G#F#
You pull away again
F# F# F# F# B B B C2#..E2~D2#
And I wonder what's on your mind
G# B G# B G# B G# B B B C2#C2#
And then you say to me you made a dumb mistake
G# B G# B G# B G# B B B C2# C2#
You start to tremble and your voice begins to break
B B G# B B B B G# B G#
You say the cigarettes on the counter
B G# B B B B G#
weren't your friend's they were my mate's
B B D2# D2# D2#D2# D2#C2# C2# B C2#
And I feel the colour draining from my face
Chorus 1: @0:35
C2# B D2# C2#~B
And my friend said
B D2# D2#D2# C2# C2# B C2#D2# D2#
"I know you love her, but it's over, mate
B B B B B B B E2.~F2# D2#D2#~C2#B
It doesn't matter, put the phone away
B C2#D2# D2#C2# B C2# D2#D2#
It's never easy to walk away
B B F2#..~E2D2#C2#
Let her go
C2#D2# C2# B B
It'll be alright"
Verse 2: @0:51
F#B B B B F#F# F# G#F#F# F# F#
So I still look back at all the messages you'd sent
F# F# G# F# F#F# G#
And I know it wasn't right
F# F# F# G# F# F# F# F#
But it was messing with my head
F# B B B B BF# F# F# G#
And everything deleted like the past,
F# F# F# F#
Yeah, it was gone
F# G# F# F# F# F#
And when I touched your face,
D#F# G# F# F# E F#
I could tell you're moving on
F# F# B G# B B G# B B BC2#C2#
But it's not the fact that you kissed him yesterday
B G# B B B G#BG#
It's the feeling of betrayal,
G# G# B B B C2# C2#
that I just can't seem to shake
G# B G# B G# B B B
And everything I know tells me
G# B B B C2#C2#
that I should walk away
B B D2# D2#~C2#B C2#
But I just wanna stay
Chorus 2: @1:22
C2# B D2# C2#~B
And my friend said
B D2# D2#D2# C2# C2# B C2#D2# D2#
"I know you love her, but it's over, mate
B B B B B B B E2.~F2# D2#D2#~C2#B
It doesn't matter, put the phone away
B C2#D2# D2#C2# B C2# D2#D2#
It's never easy to walk away
B B F2#..~E2D2#C2#
Let her go
C2#D2# C2# B B
It'll be okay
B C2#D2# D2# C2# B C2# D2# D2#
It's gonna hurt for a bit of time
B B B B B B E2.~F2# D2#D2#~C2#B
So bottoms up, let's forget tonight
B C2# D2#D2#C2# C2# B C2# D2#D2#
You'll find another and you'll be just fine
B B F2#..~E2D2#C2#
Let her go"
Bridge: @1:53
B B B D2#~E2D2#
But nothing heals
B B B D2#~E2D2#C2#
The past like time
B B B D2#~E2D2#..~C2#B
And they can't steal
D2# D2# D2#~C2# B C2#
The love you're born to find
B B B D2#~E2D2#
But nothing heals
B B B D2#~E2D2#C2#
The past like time
B B B D2#~E2D2#C2#~B
And they can't steal
B C2#~D2# D2# D2#~C2# B C2#
The love you're born to find
Chorus 3: @2:26
B D2# D2#D2# C2# C2# B C2#D2# D2#
"I know you love her, but it's over, mate
B B B B B B B E2.~F2# D2#D2#~C2#B
It doesn't matter, put the phone away
B C2#D2# D2#C2# B C2# D2#D2#
It's never easy to walk away
B B F2#..~E2D2#C2#
Let her go
C2#D2# C2# B B
It'll be okay
B C2#D2# D2# C2# B C2# D2# D2#
It's gonna hurt for a bit of time
B B B B B B E2.~F2# D2#D2#~C2#B
So bottoms up, let's forget tonight
B C2# D2#D2#C2# C2# B C2# D2#D2#
You'll find another and you'll be just fine
B B F2#..~E2D2#C2#
Let her go
C2#D2# C2# B B
It'll be alright”
Outro: @2:59
BB B B F2#..~E2D2#C2#
It'll be alright
C2#D2# C2# B B
It'll be alright
BB B B F2#..~E2D2#C2#
It'll be alright
C2#D2# C2# B B
It'll be alright